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Slant Bed CNC Lathe Should Pay Attention To The Problem

The Slant Bed CNC Lathe is a high-precision, high-efficiency automated machine tool. The CNC lathe machine is equipped with a multi-station turret or a power turret. The horizontal CNC lathe machine has a wide range of processing performance, which can process linear cylinders, oblique cylinders, arcs and various threads, grooves, worms and other complex work pieces. Various compensation functions of interpolation and circular interpolation have been used, and have played a good economical effect in the mass production of complex parts.

Special Precautions During The Operation Of CNC Lathes

1. During the processing of the slant bed CNC lathe, the shifting handle should not be moved to avoid damaging the gears.

2. The protective door must be covered during processing.

3. The CN  lathe must maintain concentration, and immediately stop and deal with the abnormality in order to avoid damage to the equipment.

4. When loading and unloading work pieces and tools, it is forbidden to hit the simple CNC lathe parts with heavy objects.

5. The automatic CNC lathe machine must measure the work piece, check the tool, and install the work piece after the machine tool is stopped.

6. It is strictly forbidden to operate simple CNC lathes with gloves.

7. When the operator leaves the CNC lathe with inclined bed, the operation of the machine must be stopped.